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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is ultradot?
Ultradot is an asset indentification, protection and recovery solution that incorporates microdots and an advanced online secure database that enables the microdots to be accurately and immediately identified to its owner.  We supply, fit and verify products from Veridot.


What are microdots?

The different products all have the same principal.  We spray tiny microdots onto your vehicle. These dots are all encoded with a unique number.  That number is then linked to the eNatis record of your vehicle.  If the vehicle is the recovered by the SAPS they can trace the current vehicle owner.  We offer a mobile service for fitment and verification.





What is iQforU?
We do vehicle registration and licensing transactions at the relevant registration authority on your behalve.  We offer an individual service and also a comprehensive service to fleet owners.
Motor vehicle licence fees 

Fees [Road Traffic Act Regulation 24 (2) (b)]
Each province determines its own registration and licence fees which are increased, from time to time, by proclamation in the respective provincial gazettes. Annual licence fees are assessed on a vehicle’ tare with separate scales for vehicle types.

R36,00 transaction fee added to the licence fee 

The Road Traffic Management Corporation Act, 1999 [Section 48 (1) (b)] empowers the Minister of Transport to make regulations to fund the Road Traffic Management Corporation (a central body set up to administer traffic law enforcement). In terms of this regulation, local registering authorities must pay the Corporation a transaction fee which is passed on to the applicant and added to the licence fee. Originally set at R30,00 by GN R386 in Gov Gaz 29852 of 30 April 2007, the regulation was amended to increase the figure to R36,00 as from 1 October 2009. This was done by GN R758 in Gov Gaz 32428 of 24 July 2009, an amendment that was repeated by GN R930 in Gov Gaz 32591 of 23 September 2009. Special classification vehicles qualifying for a concessionary nominal licence fee are exempt from this fee.

Late payment of licence fees [Road Traffic Act Regulation 57] 
To avoid penalties for late payment (calculated at 1/10th of the appropriate fee for every month or part month that the licence remains unpaid) licence fees must be paid on time. Numerous incidents have been reported where motor vehicle licences have been allowed to lapse due to renewal notices not being received.

It should be noted that local authorities are under no legal obligation to send renewal reminders. It is the operator’s responsibility to ensure licences are renewed timeously.
Can you supply number plates?

Yes, we order plates daily.  If your order is in by 10:00 you will get it the sameday.


We offer a unique mobile fitment option.


Please contact us for more information

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