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Vehicle Registration and Licensing


iQforU. Buying and selling a vehicle can be a confusing and exhausting process that involves hours of standing around in queues waiting. There are many forms to be filled out, by both the buyer and the seller, and many more to be read through, signed and initialled. With eToll charges added add to the current eNatis registered owner you can not wait to do the change of ownership. To avoid accumulating penalties, etoll charges the buyer must apply for change of ownership of the vehicle within 21 days of the sale of the vehicle. But do you really want to have to deal with yet another piece of admin?  Let us do it for you.

Numberplatesa title

Mobile Unit available to deliver and fit numberplates 

Microdot Fitment and Verification

Mobile Unit available to supply and fit Microdots and to do verification.  Certificate printed while you wait.

Fleet Management

The Fleet Management and vehicle tracking industry is very progressive, with requirements, specifications and add-on features changing continuously. Stay on top of all the software changes and hardware modifications by adding your contact information to our mailing list.

Don’t queue! Let us take the hassle out of buying and selling a car. For a service fee, a iQforU representative will make sure you have gathered the correct documentation, visit the relevant registering authority and stand in the queue on your behalf, collect the completed documentation and deliver it to you.

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